Life is short, we all know that. We all have goals, aspirations, adventures that we want to accomplish before we die. I’m no different. There are tons of things I want to do and see in my lifetime. I know that I won’t do all of them, maybe I won’t even get to do the majority of these things, but it gives me hope. My life list serves as a focus point for me when it feels like I’m not going anywhere in life. It gives me hope and gives me a sense of accountability. Maybe by writing them down and sharing it with you, I will be more likely to seek out these adventures rather than retreat to the introvert that I am.
So here it is, my Life List. It’s not a list set in stone, it has changed so many times but here it is now. I think I’ll actually attach this to my About page and come back to it every now and then to cross things off or add to it.
- Watch the Sunrise and Sunset in the same day
- Ride a Hot Air Balloon
- Have no credit card debt
See a Broadway Musical- Go Whale-Watching
Be a mom- Go to Paris
- Have a coffee at a cafe by the Eiffel tower
- Visit Disneyland Paris
Visit Disneyland (California)- Visit Disneyland Tokyo
- Visit Disneyland Hong Kong
- Visit Disneyland Shanghai
- Go on a Disney Cruise
- See the Northern Lights
- Visit every continent
- Run a Marathon
- Run a half-marathon
- Run a 10k
Run a 5k- Practice yoga 5 times per week
- Do a headstand
- Go on a Yoga Retreat
- Visit Germany
- Visit Vimy Ridge memorial in France
- Visit all the provinces in Canada
Shoot a gun- Go dog sledding
- Stand on the Great Wall of China
- Start my own successful business
- Zip line over the Amazon
- Solve a Rubik’s cube
- Celebrate 50 years of marriage
- Have at least 3 children (1 down, 2 to go)
- Experience natural childbirth
- Attend ComicCon in San Diego
- Attend WonderCon
- Write a children’s book
- Open a bakery
- Have a meatless Monday each week
- Join Crossfit
- Reach 15,000 step each day for a year
- Watch a live taping of a Late Night show
- Read a book a month for a full year (4 down)
- Take a sewing class
- Go on a carriage ride through Central Park
- Buy a Tesla
- Learn ASL
- Sew a dress for myself
- Open an Etsy shop
- Take my Grandmother to Walt Disney World
- Be a keynote speaker
- Keep a daily journal with photos for each of children’s first year
- Host a large Christmas dinner for our families
- Give all homemade gifts for Christmas
- Take part in a dance flash mob
- Complete the Whole 100
- Take a photography course
Attend a blog conference(Type-A Parent, October 2016)- Build my Youtube channel
- Get my Master’s degree
- Go to Bora Bora
- Make my own wine
- Do yoga in the park
- Start a Podcast
- Stay at all the Disney property resorts
- Become a DVC member
- Take a self-portrait each day for one year
- Swim with dolphins
- Ride a water taxi in Venice
- Visit the Hollywood walk of fame
- Sleep in a real castle
- See Heaven’s Trail in Ireland
- Walk behind a waterfall
- Go skydiving
- Ride a horse on a beach
Visit London, England(May 2016)- Learn to really play the piano
- Have a library with a secret passageway
- Go on a girls only vacation
- Have a pen pal
- Camp out in the back of a truck in the middle of nowhere
- Design my own dream house
- Go beach camping
- Work my dream job
- Grow old with Chris
- Cook through an entire cookbook
- Have an influential blog
- Go Canoeing
- Watch movies under a blanket fort
- Grow a plant from seed without killing it
- Rent a beach house for a whole summer and just enjoy the peacefulness
- If I ever win the lottery, donate half to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital
- Learn to ski
- Be able to do 100 push-ups
- Learn how to do a backflip
Take belly dancing classes- Take pole dancing classes
- Have a whole crafts room
- Discover my purpose
So there it is, my Life List or as some might call it my Bucket List. Whatever you want to call it’s mine and it’s filled with hope and adventure.
Do you have a Life List? What’s on it?
#100. Is my fav and you HAVE to cross off sky diving!! The free fall, the water underneath you, the strong winds, most importantly the feeling you did something so crazy and out of your comfort zone… AH-mazing!