Did you know that Nanaimo Bars are a special Canadian treat? It’s named after the city of Nanaimo, British Columbia on Vancouver Island and it’s amazing. So I thought, here why not make a special version of these special treats for Canada Day. So I present you with the Peanut Butter Bacon Nanaimo Bar. It’s by no means healthy or clean but it’s tasty and goes great with a beer. Plus it’ll make you super popular this weekend.Read More
Innis & Gunn 150th: A brief review
Happy Friday Friends!
Canada’s 150th birthday is tomorrow and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than with a few beers and friends. It’s the Canadian way. Since it’s the big 150th, many companies put out special edition products in order to celebrate. To be honest, I could care less about some of the other products on the market, but when Chris and I heard Innis & Gunn were putting out a 150th special edition, we knew we had to try it! Read More
150 things you probably didn’t know about Canada
Canada Day is quickly approaching and I can’t help but feel incredibly lucky for living in this beautiful country. It’s far from perfect but it’s a country worth fighting for and worth improving. This year we Canadians are celebrating the 150th birthday of our nation. 150 years old. Looking at the rest of the world, we’re actually pretty young. Mind you that’s not to say that there was nothing happening before 1867, history knows that First Nations peoples were here well before anybody called themselves ‘Canadian’ or claimed the land for anyone. But if I were to discuss that we would be here all day, trust me. So instead I want to talk about 150 things that you probably didn’t know about my homeland.Read More
Summer Caesar Cocktail Round-up
I don’t know about you but I am ready for summer. Those hot summer evenings are perfect for sitting outside sipping a caesar cocktail. If you are asking yourself, what the heck is this caesar? Let me describe it as a Canadian Bloody Mary but better. Much better, instead of just plain tomato juice, we use clamato juice. It tastes so much better, at least in my opinion. So if you’re looking for some tasty cocktails this summer, here’s my list. Read More
Bullet Journal: Migraine Tracker

Grateful Mondays: June 26 2017
Happy Monday friends, this week we say goodbye to June and hello July. Is it just me or is this year flying by? Before having Wendy, I was warned that the years will seem like they go by much quicker with her and I cannot believe how true that has been so far. I still can’t believe how lucky I am. Anyways, here is this weeks grace in small things!
- singing loudly in the car
- candles that smell like caramel popcorn
- hot yoga
What’s on your list this week?
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