I recently had a conversation with a pregnant friend of mine. We started chatting about pregnancy and labour since she was coming up on her due day. I wasn’t even really putting much thought when I told her that labour really wasn’t that bad but I was taken back a bit when she and her husband both thanked me for my 2 cents. They went on to say that I was the first person who hadn’t told them some labour horror story. That made me think back to all the stories I heard before I gave birth, and I hadn’t realized it before, but they were right. I remember hearing a lot of labour horror stories from friends, co-workers, strangers. It’s almost like the minute we see a pregnant woman, we have this need to share some horrid labour story with her for some reason and that really needs to stop because it won’t help her when the time comes.
10 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy & Life As A New Mom
Pregnancy and birth can be wonderful joyous occasion, but there are things that people just don’t tell you before you grow that bump. Here are 10 things that no one tells you about pregnancy and being a new mom.Read More
The Final Lap: My Third Trimester Recap
Hello friends,
I know it’s been a long time since I gave birth to Wendy, and this post might be quite late but I wanted to make sure I at least let you guys know how the end of my pregnancy went. By the way, it went well. Unlike the first and second trimester, my third trimester was pretty quiet, thank goodness.
8 Helpful Tips for Taking Your own Maternity Photos
Hello Friends,
So what do you do when you’re a photographer and you’re pregnant? You take your own maternity photos! That’s what! In all honesty, you don’t need to be a photographer to take your own maternity photos but I definitely think there are a few things that will help you take awesome shots. At least these are some of the tips that helped me take my own shots.
Mommy Must Haves: Second Trimester

Hello Friends! Hope your summer is going well. Mine sure is. It’s been hot but I’m thankful for air conditioning and fans. I can’t believe I’m already into my third trimester!!! Time is flying! It’s rather exciting!!! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was writing out my first-trimester must-haves, now I’m writing up my 2nd-trimester survival list…just kidding, my 2nd trimester wasn’t that bad. You can actually read about it here if you’re interested. But there has been a few things that have really helped me through the 2nd trimester.Read More
Pregnancy Bliss: 2nd Trimester Recap
Hello friends,
I can’t believe I am already 29 weeks pregnant!!! Incase you haven’t noticed, this excites me greatly. So what has the second trimester been like for me? Busy, and eventful. Wholly Donuts! We vacationed at Disney World, ran a 5k race, went to Punta Cana, traveled to London, England, tried to relax, felt like I could eat as much as an Read More