So I kinda sorta maybe forgot that Thanksgiving is this weekend. Bad Canadian….also busy mama. Between appointments, chasing after Wendy, and just tiredness, I’ve really been dragging behind on my organization….my poor Erin Condren LifePlanner is gathering dust right now….
Forgetting about a major holiday is rather new to me, I love Thanksgiving and fall so I couldn’t just skip over it without at least trying to put together a small dinner for my family. So when Chris drove past a Real Canadian Superstore and saw an ad for a free ham, I made him jump on that! Not that it took much convincing. So with a 10.5 lbs ham, I had to figure out some of the other details quickly.
I literally decided we would have Thanksgiving dinner at 9 am, quickly went through the stuff I had at home, bought groceries, and started cooking at 1 pm. Dinner was scheduled for 6 pm and I’m happy to say I pulled it all off, on a budget.Read More