Sometimes in the middle of a reno, things come up or happen that can really bring your reno to a screeching halt. Our problem presented itself when we tiled the bathroom floor. In case you’re new here, we are participating in the One Room Challenge and have been renovating our main bathroom.
You can check out these previous posts leading up to this week
Week One: Modern Bathroom Before
Because it’s a small space, Chris and I decided to treat ourselves a bit and install heated floors. So we purchased a kit at Home Depot and followed the instructions. It was pretty straight forward until we installed the switch which wasn’t very clear as to how to hook it up to the power. That was frustrating but after a quick google search, we figured it out.
So with the wires installed and hooked up, we started tiling. First, we laid the tile down to make sure we knew what kind of pattern we wanted…and by we, I really mean me.
We knew with the wire we would have to add some extra cement on the floor. But what we didn’t expect was how long it would take to dry. The cement jug stated 24 to 72 hours…73 hours later and our tiles were still moving and one actually popped right off…
So Chris did what any good partner and husband would do…he booked a Disney trip and surprised us. SURPRISE! That’s right since we basically couldn’t do anything else in the bathroom while the tile cement dried, we headed off to Walt Disney World for 5 days.
It was such a fun trip that felt way too short but still enjoyable and needed. Here are some highlights from our time away as our tiles dried.
So that’s how we spent week four of the One Room Challenge. We are so close to the end, just two more weeks to go!!! And thank goodness, because I can’t wait to be able to relax in a bath with a good book and a glass of wine.

You can check out these previous posts leading up to this week
Week One: Modern Bathroom Before
Week Four: The Week We Took A Vacation
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