It’s mostly done. I didn’t get to paint the concrete as I had planned, I missed the One Room Challenge deadline, and I couldn’t do any paint touch-ups since it’s been bloody cold but it’s done or at least as done as our small porch is going to get.
And you know what? I’m okay with that. In the last few weeks, I have completely fallen away from my blogs and overscheduled myself with a lot of other things. It’s been a trying time. I probably took on way more than I should have because I’m that kind of person and I have a difficult time saying ‘no’ to people. So with everything going on, I just could keep up with the One Room Challenge schedule. I just failed at it but it happens.
I don’t like failing at anything, I don’t know anyone who does but I know that sometimes you need to be able to sit in that discomfort for a little bit to grow. Anyways, you’re probably here to just see the makeover and I’m talking your ear off. I’ll keep it simple and show you the before and afters and include the links to some of the products I bought and used.

If you want to see more photos of the before and during, you can check out the first weeks of the One Room Challenge posts that I did complete:

And now for the reveal, sorta, I mean I did start this post off with a current photo…oh well you know what I mean…

The white bench came from Wayfair Canada and I absolutely love it. It’s comfortable, bright and seems pretty stable. The cushion was also from Wayfair.
I never realized that most benches didn’t come with cushions until I started looking for a bench to buy. Did you know that?

So after a lot of consideration, my husband talked me into putting a shelf up on our porch and I like it. It’s pretty handy whenever I want to put some decor pieces up or if I’m reading a book on the bench and I want somewhere to put my teacup. Even the Postal Worker uses it for small packages.
That mailbox might be my favourite piece. It’s a tin post box that just looks so classic and looks like it came from the pages of a Charles Dickens novel. Love love love it! I found it on Amazon and it wasn’t too expensive either.

I love that I can include some cozy touches to the front porch now, like pillows and blankets. The pillows I bought on Amazon for rather cheap and I used old pillows inserts I had lying around the house.

I really wanted the door to stand out and Chris really loves the colour orange, so we settled on cinnamon cake. It’s bold and warm and it’s perfect. I wasn’t sure if it would work outside of the Fall but it does. Our Christmas wreath really stands out on it.

Chris and I toyed with the idea of getting rid of the screen door because I really wanted the door to pop but Chris reminded me that we tend to use our screen door a lot during the summer months so we went with a screen door that allowed as much of the door to be seen and still had a screen. The glass at the top comes down and there’s a retractable screen that goes up and down with it.

So there it is, the very late but still finished, sort of, One Room Challenge. I swear our next challenge in the Spring will be different and I won’t fall behind.

What do you think? Do you like a door that pops or blends in?

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