Hello Friends! Hope your summer is going well. Mine sure is. It’s been hot but I’m thankful for air conditioning and fans. I can’t believe I’m already into my third trimester!!! Time is flying! It’s rather exciting!!! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was writing out my first-trimester must-haves, now I’m writing up my 2nd-trimester survival list…just kidding, my 2nd trimester wasn’t that bad. You can actually read about it here if you’re interested. But there has been a few things that have really helped me through the 2nd trimester.
Natural Hospital Birth written by C – First on my list, is this awesome book. I definitely recommend this to anyone who is considering having a hospital birth but planning to go the natural way without drugs or a c-section. I don’t find anything wrong with those two options mentioned, I, personally, would like to try a medication-free, vaginal birth at least once in my life. It’s hard to explain, just something I want to try. This is what I want to try if something happens during the birth process and a c-section becomes the only option, I’m definitely not going to fight that one. At the end of the day, I just want to make sure I’m healthy and safe and so is Baby Girl. In saying that, after reading Cynthia Gabriel’s words, I honestly felt more empowered with my choices. I actually told myself “Bring it on”, corny but true. She includes a lot of details and recommendations on how to manage labour pains, timings, and creating a birth plan that works to help mama and baby. I enjoyed it, and I would recommend this to any mama out there is thinking about a natural hospital birth, as long as you have no complications or signs of complications during your pregnancy. Just a disclaimer, always follow the recommendations of your medical/birth team. They are looking out for you. 🙂
Oreo Thins – THESE! ARE! THE! BEST! When I discovered these at the grocery store, I knew I was in for something good. I mean, these are oreo thins! I don’t feel guilty eating 2 or 4 of these with my tea most days. It’s funny though, this kid totally hates healthy food right now. Before getting pregnant, I was successfully completing a round of Whole 30, then all of a sudden zucchini noodles made me gag, the thought of pea soup made me puke *still does*and healthy food, in general, doesn’t sit right….but junk food…man this girly has a sweet tooth. Hopefully, she is like my brother though. When my mom was pregnant with my brother, she craved sweets, like cake. When he grew old, he disliked most sweet likes, especially cake. I have to admit, I don’t think I’ve ever seen my brother eat cake, not even his own birthday cake. So here’s hoping she has a healthy tooth when she is born. *fingers crossed*
KidiComfort 7th Heaven Body Pillow – This pillow has been a sleep saver! Chris bought it for me when I hit my 2nd trimester because he figured it would help me sleep better. I’m a back and tummy sleeper, so the fact that he knew that I would have some difficulty sleeping on my side and could use all the help I could get, priceless. I married one amazing man. This pillow is comfortable, and I love the candy cane shape. It makes it easier to cuddle with it. Also, the cover is removable, which makes washing it a breeze.
Ben & Jerry’s The Tonight Dough Ice Cream – Okay if you have been keeping up with my trimester recaps, you’ll probably remember that my allergy to dairy has magically disappeared….so along with a delicious collection of cheeses, I have stocked our fridge with this amazing ice cream. It’s sweet, contains cookie dough, and is amazing going down. If you crave ice cream you have to get this one a try.
AOMERLY Sports Water Bottles Double Walled Vacuum Bottle Stainless Steel BPA Free – Blue – HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Drinking water, especially during the summer, is especially important when you’re pregnant. My water intake has definitely increased since seeing those two pinks lines, so I figured I would at least buy a good water bottle. I like this water bottle because it’s BPA free, my water seems to stay cool in it, and it looks cool.
Tums Smoothies – I’m pretty sure baby girl is going to have hair….I had never experienced heartburn before being pregnant. Then a few weeks ago as we were watching a movie, I felt an incredible burning sensation in my crest and it slowly crawled upwards. It was painful. I told Chris what it felt like and he pulled out the Tums. It actually helped and seeing that you can actually take a Tums tablet while pregnant, it makes it even better.
Cuisinart TEA-100 PerfecTemp Programmable Tea Steeper and Kettle – I have an obsession with tea. I had an obsession with tea before getting pregnant, it has continued while being pregnant. However, I just have to read labels and make sure the teas I’m drinking are ‘pregnancy friendly.’ I actually received this kettle as a Christmas gift from my parents. I use it everyday, more than once a day too. I love that it has multiple temperature settings for different teas.
Twinings Teabags Decaff Earl Grey – This has been my go to tea this trimester. All I do is add the water, a little bit of milk and sugar and done. I love this, I just sit down watch some television with Chris, or I curl up on the couch with a good book.
Star Wars Yoda Yoga Mat – Prenatal yoga has kept me sane these last few months. Prior to getting pregnant, and prior to dislocating my finger in December, I was doing hot yoga at a local yoga studio 3-4 days a week and was loving it. Because hot yoga is definitely not recommended during pregnancy, I had to find an alternative. So prenatal yoga dvds and a cool star wars yoga mat in my living room did the trick.
Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion – I have to be entirely honest here, I haven’t seen many, if any, stretch marks since becoming pregnant. I’m not sure if it’s genetics, luck, or this lotion. HOWEVER, I love the smell of this lotion. It smells so sweet and calming. Even my pup loves cuddling up to me after I apply it. So it’s gets my recommend must have because it smells so good.
The items listed above have really helped me through the second trimester and I would recommend these to any mamas out there. Some of these things, have also just helped pass the time as we wait for Baby Girls arrival. It won’t be long now. I thought I loved the fall season before, she is going to make it 10x better!!
Now I’m curious to hear from you! What was on your must have lists when you were in your 2nd trimester? What would you recommend for the third trimester?
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