Happy New Year, friends!
I hope you enjoyed your holiday season. I pretty much took an unscheduled break this holiday, which is why you didn’t see or hear much from me. During that time, I did some thinking about what I want out of 2018. Looking back at 2017, it wasn’t a bad year, but it also wasn’t really a good year either. I felt held back for most of the year, so for 2018, I’m deciding that I’m not going to give into fear or self-doubt. I’m going to force myself to focus on my dreams. In the last few days, I have seen so many people post their ‘word’. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out Ali Edward’s One Litte Word. You pick a word for your year, a word you can “focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon”it’s supposed to inspire you and refocus you. While I love the concept of picking a word, I wanted to go a little further. So this year I picked a phrase. My phrase for this year is “I broke up with my fears to marry my dreams.” Last year I wasted so much time and energy being afraid of overcoming obstacles, this year I’m not wasting time. So here are my goals for this year.Read More